Exercise for the Needlewoman

This post is perhaps a little out of the realm of needlework, however anyone who has a passion for needlework knows that a lot of time is spent sitting. The only part of our body that gets any exercise are our fingers and wrist. In fact they get so much exercise that sometimes we actually experience aches and pains. Many of us already spend a good part of the day at a job that requires sitting at a desk. But exercise means taking precious time away from doing needlework. And when you already have little time to devote to one’s passion, exercise usually falls be the wayside. But if we want to remain healthy, it is important to exercise our body as the body was created to move. I personally walk 5 kilometers 2-4 times a week in winter and 4-7 times a week from spring to fall. I also follow a circular strength program that only takes 15-20 minutes to do and some weight resistance exercise using clubbells. The program was developped by Shane Heins certified Circular Strength Training (CST) Instructor, CST Coach, TACFIT Field Instructor, CST Kettlebell Specialist, TACFIT Team Leader and CST Head Coach. He is also the founder of  Dare To Evolve www.daretoevolve.tv

I have tried many different exercise programs from aerobic classes to treadmills at the gym. I have had better success using Shane’s fitness training program than any other program. I can also do it from the comfort of my home and yet take it with me wherever I go. Dare To Evolve!

Below Shane explains what makes his program different from other fitness programs. Read more on his website.

The Fitness industry has been slowly, but steadily, changing it’s tune over the last decade, recognizing not only our need but our desire for more than just a shapely butt, nice legs, chiselled chest or bulging biceps. The transition has seen it become about Health, Wellness and Lifestyle. It speaks to training for the mind, body and soul.

Which is amazing right? Shouldn’t it all be about more than just the surface “features” we develop?

Trouble is, most fitness professionals don’t have a means to translate the benefits of physical training into supporting the growth and development of mind and soul. They know moving the body is key, without a doubt, to the whole package of evolving our entire being. Outside of the scientific reasons that back doing so, most fitness professionals, as “movers” themselves, intuitively understand the space it creates for themselves and those they train to improve their lives.

Yet despite all the lingo being used about “fitness to enhance mind, body and soul”, the approach is still in large to do so by:

  • lose a ton of fat in the next 30 days
  • build the chest and arms of a superhero
  • Tone up to get the shapely legs and butt everybody wants

From this also lies the greatest risk of falling into a common trap. The trap of promoting the transformation of your physique as the source of developing self-confidence and self worth. To say that in achieving the ideal physique (as dictated by the industry itself) will be the source of your value in this world.

Which, while maybe well intentioned, couldn’t be further from the truth.

There needs to be more than just the surface. Without the internal process to match the external, it becomes a vicious cycle of starts and stops, of defeat,  inadequacy and feeling unfulfilled. Sound familiar?

Bridging the Gap.

At Dare To Evolve, we use the platform of physical training (being grounded in what we instantly and tangibly feel as we come up against the tension and resistance generated over years) as the vehicle for developing the innate qualities within us. By consistently and systematically tapping into those qualities, nurtured through a budding intuition, we start interacting with our unique gifts regularly, gradually turning up the dial on the energy building as we harness the essence that lies at the heart of who we are.

Harnessing the gifts that reside at the heart, we melt away from the inside out those chains and anchors that have been tightening their hold.

Physically vibrant, driven by the very heart of motivation, we can now access with greater effectiveness and success all the mind has to offer us as we strive to the heights of our capacity.

Dare To Evolve brings that elusive bridge to connect the path that will see us step into the immensity of our strength and power, unleashing on the world the gems of our utmost potential.


New Beginnings

Today is the first day of the year 2010.  It seems like a good time to join the world of blogging. I am an aspiring fibre artist.  I love to create art using a needle pulling thread. I do petitpoint and embroidery and recently quilting. This blog is meant to document and share my progress as I create my own threadlore.

Stay tune for upcoming projects.